India Divorce Laws 2024: Everything you need to know
An Overview of Divorce Laws of India

Many individuals are well acquainted with the term “divorce”. Terminating a marriage is a formal legal process. The court of law will ultimately grant the law decree, signifying the legal separation of the husband and wife.
The process of divorce in India varies among citizens due to the influence of different religious laws. Therefore, the grounds for divorce in India are regulated by the respective personal laws. The decree will be granted once all the necessary legal procedures have been duly followed in accordance with the established guidelines.
Let’s delve further into these guidelines and discuss the recent amendments that have been made to the divorce laws.
Before moving forward, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a divorce advocate in Mohali to navigate through the divorce process.
Legal Basis for Divorce
Grounds — Divorce can be granted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to adultery, cruelty, desertion, conversion, mental disorder, venereal disease, and irretrievable breakdown of marriage.
Jurisdiction — In the event of a divorce, the district court that is located in the location where the couple mostly recently resided together has jurisdiction over the case.
Residency Requirements — In order to meet the requirements, it is necessary for at least one of the spouses to have lived in India for a period of at least six months prior to filing for divorce.
Waiting Period — The waiting period is a mandatory period that lasts for six months after the filling of a divorce petition. During this time, the court may make an effort to reconcile the couple during this waiting period.
Separation Agreement — The couple may attempt to come to an agreement regarding their separation, which will then be approved by the court after it has been reviewed and taken into consideration.
Mediation: The court may recommend mediation as a means of resolving disagreements and coming to an agreement with the parties involved.
Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce — The divorce process can be either contested or uncontested, depending on the circumstances surrounding the divorce. A trial will be held in the event that divorce is contested, and the court will then decide on the terms of the divorce.
In a divorce that is not contested, the couple reaches a consensus on all of the terms, and the court merely gives its approval to the agreement.
Alimony — One spouse may be ordered by the court to pay alimony to the other spouse, depending on a number of factors including the length of the time that the couple has been married, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the standard of living that was maintained during the marriage between two of them.
Child Custody and Support — The court will make decisions regarding child custody and child support based on what is in the child’s best interests. The law requires both parents to provide financial support for their children. This obligation is shared by both parents.
Appeal — In the event that either spouse is dissatisfied with the decision made by the district court, they have the ability to appeal the decision to a higher court.
Updated Regulations regarding Divorce in India 2024
Adultery — According to previous law, Adultery can be grounds for divorce, typically allowing the spouse who was cheated on to file for divorce. According to the new law, it is important to note that both spouses have the option to file for divorce, regardless of who was cheated on.
Mental/Physical Cruelty — According to previous law, Instances of mental and physical cruelty encompass acts of physical violence, harassment, and mental torment, yet lack a precise and definitive description.
According to the new law, it encompasses physical violence, harassment and mental torture, along with the addition of withholding financial support or denying access to a child.
Desertion — Previously, it must have occurred for a continuous period of 2 years, it has now been reduced to a continuous period of 1 years.
Conversion — According to previous law, it is not typically recognized as grounds for divorce but now it is considered as a valid reason to end a marriage.
Irretrievable Breakdown — Previously, it was not a valid reason for divorce but now it is a valid reason for divorce, but necessitates a period of one year of separation.
It is important to mention that these modifications are a result of the 2024 amendments to the Hindu marriage act, which exclusively pertains to individuals of the Hindu faith. Various religious groups have their own set of marriage laws, which may include distinct criteria for divorce.
Why Legal Advice on Divorce is Important?
Divorce is complicated and emotional, so legal advice is crucial. Here are some reasons to seek divorce legal advice:
Understanding your rights and Duties: Property, child custody, alimony, and child support are all part of a divorce. An experienced divorce lawyer can explain your legal rights.
Legal Process Navigation: Divorce paperwork, deadlines, and court procedures can be complicated. A top divorce lawyer in Chandigarh can help you file all legal documents on time and correctly.
Objective Advice: During a divorce, emotions are high and it can cloud decision making. Your divorce lawyer offers objective advice and helps you focus on the best long term outcomes.
Settlement Negotiations: Many divorces are negotiated out of court. The best divorce lawyer in Mohali can protect your rights and advocate for you during settlement talks.
Custody and Support: Child support and custody issues can be emotional. A divorce lawyer can help you understand custody decisions and negotiate a fair deal for the kids.
Division of Assets and Debt: Complexity surrounds marital asset and debt division. A lawyer can help identify and value assets for legal division.
Alimony (spousal support): After divorce, one spouse may receive alimony. A lawyer can advise on alimony and fair support terms.
Law Protection: An attorney protects your legal rights throughout the divorce. They protect your interests and represent you in disputes.
Mediation and Alternative dispute resolution: If you and your spouse want a peaceful divorce, a lawyer can help with mediation or ADR.
Avoiding Costly Errors: These divorce decisions can have long-term effects. A divorce advocate in Chandigarh can help you avoid costly mistakes that could harm your finances and mental health.
It is crucial to update and adapt the current divorce regulations and legislation in India to reflect the evolving needs of society. It is crucial to thoroughly analyze different aspects of a case from both male and female perspectives. Divorce and marriage are significant milestones that can have a profound impact on one’s life.
The Courts’ discretionary powers are crucial in determining divorce cases. Marriages cannot be terminated without proper legal proceedings. It is necessary to make amendments to the rules and grounds for divorce in order to meet the evolving needs of society. Consider SL Legal Services, top law firm in Chandigarh who can help you to navigate you through the process.